Our Services

Welcome To Green Globe Consultancy

Environment Consultancy Service

1. Assistance for obtains various permission from GPCB/PCC such as

NOC/ Consent to establish ( CTE)

Consolidated consent & Authorisation ( CC&A )

Registration under various acts/rules.

2. Designing or modification work related to effluent /waste water treatment plant on consultancy as well as on turnkey basis Operation and maintenance contract of effluent / waste water treatment plants

3. Miscellaneous work including representation to pollution control board And interaction with pollution control board authorities

4. Assistance for obtains the ' Adequacy Certificate ' & ' No increase in pollution load certificate ' from recognised Schedule-I and II auditors

5. Assistance for obtaining environmental clearance from MoEF Including prep airing EIA reports and providing technical assistance during Public Hearing.

6 . Assistance for obtaining ' Registration as recyclers / Repressors' from the GPCB under the HW ( M & H ) Rules - 1989 as amended thereof.